Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dark Chocolate and Mango Cookies

BURN, BABY, BURN! One look at the picture and you'll know this was a disaster. I followed the recipe (though I lowered the temperature very slightly), but after the time was done, the cookies were still very soft.. and so I decided to leave it there for a couple more minutes. Alas, wrong move. Too bad, it tasted really good while they were still in batter form, and they looked super cute when spooned to the baking sheet, but they lost their form, and err, got burned. lol
But on the bright side, I can trim the burnt edges and we're still okay! Surprisingly, people still thought it tasted good! So next time, I'll try this again, properly I hope.
I guess I should be happy I didn't burn the kitchen instead.
Trim the burns and.... tadaaaa... not so bad after all. :) (Yes I am very optimistic haha!)

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